Wednesday, December 5, 2012

UNESCO declares Ecuadorian natural straw hat fiber as intangible heritage of humanity.

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jes�s.

UNESCO declares Ecuadorian natural straw hat fiber as intangible heritage of humanity.

ECUADOR: Traditional Fabric Ecuadorian straw hat fiber - The straw hat fiber is woven with the fibers of a palm tree that grows along the coast of Ecuador. Farmers grow and pick the stems toquillales before separating the fiber from the outer bark. After boiling the fiber to remove chlorophyll and threading it to dry to be whiten, weavers prepare her the pattern, the cup and the brim of his hat, and then washed, blanched, baked, ironed and pressed to finalize manufacture. The fabric of a hat can last from one day to eight months, according to quality and finesse.

The video below is a walkthrough of the ecuadorians regions where the famous hats are manufactured. Manabi on the Pacific Coast and Azuay and Ca�ar  on the Andes mountains are the states where the hats are manufactured as  handsmade.

Source: UNESCO


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